Wednesday, June 23, 2010

2 Raccoons 1 Cat Confrontation Standoff

One self confident cat is confronted by 2 raccoons. She stands them off, although they are larger than she is. However, they are on her territory and don't want to cause too much trouble. It is interesting that the second raccoon bows its head to the cat as if to ask permission to continue. This same gesture is also often seen in whitetail deer. The raccoon didn't stop at this, though, It continued over to the bird feeder and helped itself (next video) Raccoon Bird Feeder-What happened to the feed? The raccoon (Procyon lotor) is also sometimes called the coon. It is a widespread omnivorous North American mammal. Raccoons live together in small loose groups. They are forest animals, but can also live in urban areas. They can be huge- the largest found weighted 61 lbs. They typically are large and can weight over 35 lbs. and be a yard long. They have a black "bandit's mask" around the eyes and their coat is a mixture of brown, grey, and black. They can be albino. They are highly intelligent, have manipulative hands, and wash their food (as shown here).

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